Enchanted -The Faery and Fantasy Art of Linda Ravenscroft- March 2009
Paintings by Linda Ravenscroft
Ravenscroftʼs faery and fantasy paintings are very detailed and transport the viewer into mysterious worlds. Linda tells the reader a little about her approach to her art but generally lets the images speak for themselves. A gorgeous gift book for faery-lovers.
Linda Ravenscroft has had previous successful books from Quarto and Cico – including The Mystic Faery Tarot Deck and How to Draw and Paint Faeries. She sells prints and calendars too.
This is an exceptionallly attractive gift book – padded front, gilt edges – from a leading faery artist. The third book in an already successful series (The previous two have sold over 40,000 in hardback).
hb plc hardcover, gilt edges
112 pages
235 x 190 mm
105 colour paintings
Retail Price: $19.95
Enchanted - The Fairy and Fantasy Art of Linda Ravenscroft is also published in a Signed Box Edition,available direct from the publisher.
Retail Price: £25.00 Your Price: £12.99 + £15.00 p&p