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by Nigel Suckling

Unicorns are unique not just for their startling singular horns but because people carried on believing in them long after dragons, griffins, manticores and a host of other fanciful creatures had been consigned to myth and heraldry. In this beautifully-produced, well-researched and entertaining book the renowned fantasy writer Nigel Suckling takes us through the history of the unicorn in myth and legend, throughout the world.

"God himself must needs be traduced, if there is no unicorn in the world." - Edward Topsell, 1607

About The Author

Nigel Suckling is the author of Book of the ~Unicorn, Leprechaun Companion, Book of Sea Monsters, Gnomes and Gardens, The Angel Companion.

ISBN: 1-904332684
EAN: 9781904332688
96 pages | 2 colour
Portrait 184 x 114mm (7 1/4" x 4 1/2")
Retail Price: $9.99
Your Price: $5.95 + shipping

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