MYTHS & LEGENDS of Werewolves throughout the world and throughout the centuries. Snippets from ancient tales that fed the superstition .Werewolves in history, recorded incidents from the Middle Ages to the recent past, Werewolves in books and movies and in the modern age As always in this series, well-researched, illustrated, and beautifully-produced.
Being bitten by a werewolf
Inheriting the condition from a parent
Being a seventh consecutive son or daughter
By choice and the use of magic potions or belts
Drinking water from a wolf's footprint
Drinking water downstream from a wolf
Eating the flesh (particularly the heart) of a wolf, or something it has killed
(though in some places this is said to have the opposite effect of strengthening
the eater against all kinds of devilry)
Eating human flesh, especially that of violent criminals
Being cursed by a sorcerer (or troll in Scandinavia)
About The Author
Nigel Suckling is the author of Book of the ~ Unicorn, Leprechaun Companion, Book of Sea Monsters, Gnomes and Gardens, The Angel Companion.
ISBN: 1-904332-46-3
EAN: 9781904332466
96 pages | 2 colour
Portrait 184 x 114mm (7 1/4" x 4 1/2")
Retail Price: $9.99
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