MYTHS & LEGENDS of Witches throughout the world and throughout the centuries. Snippets from ancient tales that fed the superstition. Witches in history, recorded incidents from the Middle Ages to the recent past, Witches in books and movies and in the modern age As always in this series, well-researched, illustrated, and beautifully-produced.
One of the most famous witches of non-classical legend is Morgan le Fay, King
Arthur's half-sister and nemesis. She first appears in the twelfth century Life
of Merlin by Geoffrey of Monmouth where she is represented as a healer and
shapeshifter, possibly one of the faery folk of ancient Britain. She also ruled
over the Isle of Avalon with her sisters.
A useful charm against witchcraft is to bind twigs of rowan, ash and birch
together with a red thread and carry them on your person. Their combined virtues
will turn away any malicious spell.
In Medieval times the broom or besom was a symbol of domesticity, of the
woman's realm. Because most witches were female the broom became
their symbol by association.
Nigel Suckling is the author of Book of the ~Unicorn, Leprechaun Companion, Book of Sea Monsters, Gnomes and Gardens, The Angel Companion.
ISBN: 1-904332-47-1
EAN: 9781904332473
96 pages | 2 colour
Portrait 184 x 114mm (7 1/4" x 4 1/2")
Retail Price: $9.99
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